We’ve Got You Covered
Sift has the data and helps fight fraud across industries.
Feed customers, not the Fraud Economy, with AI-based fraud decisioning. Reduce customer friction and operating expenses while fueling fearless growth.
With convenient options like mobile ordering, self-service kiosks, and online promotions, businesses that cater to customers’ changing habits are seeing explosive growth. But with that growth and revenue comes a side of risk—and fraudsters are hungry.
Proactively prevent fraud losses
Block fraudsters before the point of transaction, reduce chargebacks, win disputes, and protect your customers automatically.
Tap into AI-driven decisioning
Leverage AI-fueled solutions to automatically and accurately block risky transactions and fast-track orders for trusted customers.
Deliver seamless customer experiences
Keep your customers coming back for more. Put an end to false positives, delight diners, and ensure fraud protection doesn’t get in the way of growth with actionable insights.
The same factors that drive growth for food and delivery businesses also increase the risk and impact of fraud. With AI-powered decisioning, you’ll be able to protect every step of the user journey and fuel growth, all while improving the experience for legitimate customers and streamlining operations.
Events per year processed by Sift
To detect new fraud patterns
Customers protected by Sift
Sift’s AI-powered solutions automate your fraud fighting, accurately stopping fraud automatically, and providing intuitive, insightful tools to make manual reviews fast, accurate, and insightful.
Increase in efficiency
Of dollars in fraud losses prevented per day
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