By Use Case

Account Creation

Account Takeover (ATO)

Payment Fraud

Money Movement

Chargeback Fraud

Policy Abuse

Airtight Protection for the Front Door

Expand fearlessly with bulletproof account creation driven by AI that delivers enterprise-grade risk decisioning, at scale.


Drop Fraud Rates

Protect against risky transactions from fraudulent accounts with Sift’s 2.5% overall payment fraud attack rate.


Accelerate Safe Growth

Automation capabilities keep manual review rates low and put optimization at the center of operations.

By Industry


Digital Goods & Services



Travel & Transportation


Redefine the Digital Buying Experience

Consumer purchasing behavior is moving quickly towards a digital-first buying cycle. Don’t let the fear of fraud keep you behind.

By Role

Trust & Fraud Professionals

Product Management

Business Operations

Information Security


Move Beyond Fraud Prevention

Increase team efficiency tenfold and outpace your previous potential with AI-driven insights and case management rooted in deep, diverse data.

Our Impact on Customer Success Across Industries

Move Your Business Forward with FIBR, Powered by Sift

Sift’s one-of-its-kind Fraud Industry Benchmarking Resource lets you compare your payment fraud, fraudulent chargeback, and manual review rates against Sift benchmarks by industry and region.

More Resources from Sift


Dispute Data, Consumer Insights, and Emerging Trends

On-Demand Webinar2/1/2024

How to Defend Your Business Against First-Party Fraud


Sift’s Innovative Journey: 40 Patents and Counting