Successful fraud fighting starts with a seamless integration, and we want to ensure you’re set up for success. We recognize the importance of well-thought-out documentation, which is why we’re excited to launch a redesign to our API reference.

Based on feedback we collected from customers, as well as our team’s own experience using our documentation, we identified some features that will help ensure your experience as a developer is a smooth one.

Here are some of the things we’re proud to announce:

Searchability –  The new documentation is more easily searchable in browsers, allowing you to quickly find what you’re looking for.

Navigation improvements – We’ve simplified and rebalanced the weighting of navigation and headers, which makes it easier to understand how each piece of your integration fits together.





Ease of use – We also made the docs more developer friendly by including night mode which is easier on your eyes, and the added focus of side-by-side view for code snippets.



As always, we would love to hear what you think of these changes! Feel free to email us at [email protected].

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