UK Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement

This statement is made pursuant to Section 54, Part 6 of the United Kingdom Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “Act”) and sets out the steps that Sift Science, Inc. (“Sift”), and affiliated group companies, has taken to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place within its business or supply chain. The Act was created to define the opposition to modern slavery and trafficking in the United Kingdom, and requires businesses subject to the Act to publish an annual statement. In this statement, we describe our efforts to prevent slavery and human trafficking within our business and supply chain, as applicable.

Sift is the leader in Digital Trust & Safety, dynamically preventing fraud and abuse on our customer’s digital applications through industry-leading technology and expertise, an unrivaled global data network of 1 trillion events per year, and a commitment to long-term customer partnerships. Sift was founded in 2011 and is headquartered in San Francisco, California with offices globally.

At Sift, we are committed to both operating in compliance with applicable law and creating an ethical and law-abiding workplace. As part of Sift’s compliance program, Sift personnel must adhere to a Code of Conduct and acknowledge it annually. This Code of Conduct, and the written policies that support it, are designed to create a culture of ethics and integrity and to facilitate compliance with the laws of the jurisdictions in which Sift operates. We provide a number of ways in which our personnel can report concerns regarding potential misconduct without fear of retaliation. This includes a third-party whistleblower hotline for reporting any type of suspected wrongdoing. In addition, Sift is an equal opportunity employer with policies against discrimination and harassment; we are committed to providing a safe work environment for all.

Sift will work to ensure that it does not engage with partners that violate the spirit of the law. For example, in addition to performing our diligence on service providers and partners where applicable, we seek to obtain contractual commitments from such third parties to comply with all applicable laws and include the ability to terminate a contract for a material breach of such compliance.

This statement was approved by Sift’s board of directors on May 21, 2024.

Eva Gutierrez
General Counsel
Sift Science, Inc.